
Grading Philosophy

Since the goal of this course is to develop writing skills, and many students will be at different levels, assessing assignments will be based on the effort given toward that assignment, not on any relatively innate writing talents. Points will be given using carefully designed rubrics that check for effort, such as turning in the assignment on time and having the required word count.

You will receive full points on an assignment if you meet all the benchmarks on the corresponding rubric. Writing is a difficult but necessary skill. This rubric is built to allow you to challenge your writing skills without fear of failure – if you do your work and put in genuine effort, you will pass.

My job is to help you earn the grade you want. Because education is a process, we practice EPSF - Earned Points So Far. The points received on projects are temporary, as it is expected that you revise projects until you get the grade you want. I understand that life happens. Just catch up and do your work, you have a bit of a buffer, but don’t save everything for the last minute. Also, if you miss commenting on other students’ discussion posts, which is time sensitive, then email me with a solution on how you intend to make up those points.

Letter Grading System

A / Passing: (90 – 100%)

B / Passing: (80 – 89%)

C / Passing: (70 – 79%)

D / No Pass: (60 – 69%)

F / No Pass: (<60%)

I do not use plus or minus grading or weight grades or assign grades based on a curve. You can keep track of our grades as the semester progresses through Canvas gradebook—I highly recommend this! You must earn at least a C or “Pass” to pass this course.

Assessment Method

All submissions will be graded based on quality responses and thoughtful ideas, meeting deadlines, and following directions. Evaluation of all writing assignments will be graded based on effort and meeting the parameters on the rubrics that will accompany each assignment.


Written Assignments – 5 points each / 55 points total

Reflections – 5 points each / 130 points total

Annotated Bibliography Practice – 10 points total

Final Essay – 105 points

Shorter assignments will be graded in one week. Longer assignments will be graded in two to three weeks.

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English Course Description

Grading Information

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